It is a performance about the self image and the idea of nationalism; where spectators are invited to pass an experience in an unusual way. Through confronting all the current surrounding ideological norms which shaped our understanding about our self and about the others.
Abdalla Daif is coming to the Netherlands to share an experience he had to encounter himself. Since he had to pass the Basic Civic Integration Examination “inburgering”. In discussion with the spectators he will research the questions: Who we are? Who is the other? What is our culture identity? What differentiates us from the “Other”? And will invite them to take KNS (Knowledge of Dutch Society) Exam as a step to re-think about their ideas about their society.
Concept and Direction: Abdalla Daif
Performers: Freek Kauffmann & Abdalla Daif
Technical Support: Hartmut Herrdegen
This project is supported by: Liquid Society, Gemeente Leiden, Cultuurfonds Lieden, Nieuwplaatz.